Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I'm visiting my Dad for a bit to see him and my friends in Sacramento before I move. All my friends here have cable TV. It's amazing how easy it is for me to get sucked in to the picture box. I was watching trash TV at my friend Leah's house yesterday, complete garbage but I was captivated. I havne't had TV in 6 years or so and in many ways I am glad and in others I am not. It keeps me in a box because when I am on the internet I don't seem to search out news or currents events but when it's on the TV I just sit and watch it. Maybe this means that I need to be more proactive in my learning process with the events of this day and age. So much happens and it seems to skip me and float by and I am living my life seemingly unaware. Something to think about for sure since I'll have lots of free time when I am getting my life started in Colorado.

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