Friday, February 3, 2012

Photographing Sunsets

Sometimes you have to race to catch a sunset. Speeding up hill to points high enough to witness something so beautiful and so simple. There is so much beauty in life. People speed through so fast not even taking the time to witness the natural cycle of things around them. Everyday the sun rises and sets. During that time people are speeding to work, to school. Money, relationships, children, sex, these are the things that are on their mind. The very least be the beauty of the life that happens everyday. Maybe it's because I haven't had the blessing/curse of a job to occupy my mind the last couple years that makes me aware of such things. Spring flowers, falling leaves, sunsets. I hunger for these simple pleasures. In these moments I love my friends, the chosen few that see life the way that I do. The ones that are never too busy to photograph sunsets.

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