Thursday, May 13, 2010

Follow your Bliss

My friend Monk was prancing around my room this morning with 'follow your bliss' embroidered on his american apparel undies. That phrases was true on so many levels this morning but I choose to comment on the one pertaining to things outside my living space. I live a blessed life, I'm far from rich in fact I border on poor but I have amazing friends, an inspiring community, and a loving family. No matter how down and out I get things always seem to work out in the end. It may not be how I thought it would but it's always for the best. So in appreciation of my friends undies I want to acknowledge to the universe that I am so appreciative for the life that I've led and continue to lead. for the pics it's Monk with my fabulous pink headband and the other is a flower from the Cacao tree inside the SF Conservatory of Flowers (which is an epic day date spot)

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