Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The whole experience that I had this past weekend blew my mind. It inspired me to find more drive and ambition in my work. Being apart of the festival even on such a small level was very gratifying. I want to do more and be more in this niche that I found myself in.

The drive to Boulder was intense. We didn't leave until 4pm from the bay area. Late night adventures through Nevada taking silly pictures in the dark. Dawn found Maria and I awake with Sean and Matt sleeping in the back. The sky was steely gray as we drove through Park City, Utah. We got stuck in Rawlins, Wyoming due to the closure of hwy 80 because of a blizzard. We were all grumpy and tired. Sean saved us by getting a hotel room and we slept for about 3 hours. When we awoke we learned that Hwy 80 had opened to Laramie and from there 287 was still open. We arrived in Boulder at about 10. We changed clothes, got pretty (well maria and I did) and headed to B Side lounge for some beats and good times!

Saturday was little sleep and improving weather, that meaning that it was raining and melting all the snow. Saturday night was an epic line up at the Fox theater. Furture Simple started the evening, following them was Mr. Projectile, his set blew my mind. The rest of the night was amazing, Kilowatt and Thomas Fehlman. I danced and laughed all night long. The after party was going off, more dancing and fun times with new friends and old ones. The music was amazing and my feet couldn't stop moving. We went back to a friends house. I sat on the couch with Maria, Sean, and Matt and brought in the dawn. Sunday turned out to be warm and beautiful. The free event in the park was so fun with people dancing and good music. I almost tried to avoid the after party but ended up there anyway dancing until 4am. It was hot and balmy like a rainforest in there but it just added to the atmosphere.
The boys were talking about leaving at 10am, maria and I smugly thought that this wouldn't happen since we went to bed so late but low and behold at 9am my phone rings and wakes me up. Time to go. The drive back was sunny, a completely different experience on the way out. Snow was a things of the past it seemed. The scenery that was winter white on the way out was now barren and brown. It was a total trip to see it change so fast. The sunset happened over Salt Lake, the colors reflecting on the water was so beautiful. Flying Lotus was the soundtrack for that which seemed to be perfect. Another all night long drive that brought us into the Bay at 7am. Matt was a champion and got us all home safely.
The whole experience was mind blowing and it left me wanting more from myself and my community. It reaffirmed what I've already been feeling in my heart about where my place is in this world and for that I am forever grateful. Plus getting to spend so much time with amazing people: Maria, Sean, and Matt, was totally amazing and I loved every minute of it.
The time is now and I'm so ready

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