Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm sitting in this crazy cafe by the beach listening to a mix made for me by and old lover. It's the soundtrack to my afternoon it seems, old lovers and old memories. I'm trying not to live in the past at this moment, it's hard though when you get assailed my memories at every turn. My mind has become so tired trying to keep them out. Today I just gave in and let them waft through. I remember the taste of his mouth, the smell of his neck. Senses that intoxicate my being through and through. I reach out in the dark to find out that he is no longer there but the music stays in my mind for some kind of eternity.
at every turn
I wait for
your touch
to take me
There were moments that I loved you all and then none. Life continues to pass on by and I grab something to hold on for the ride.
I miss you
here's to soundtracks at sunsets

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