Saturday, March 10, 2012

I gave up trying months ago. Succumbing to gravity seemed to be the only option. There isn't a lot of sense in what I did, in fact it made none. But I had to or I would've regretted it and always wondered. And now these days are sweet, I have the pleasure of traveling a temporary but gratifying road with a dear friend. Friend turned lover. Easy as breathing. I remember clearly how it started and I don't know how it will end but I know it will. It is enough, more than enough to be able to have this adventure, to travel the road less traveled. There are things that I enjoy about him. Conversation, matched interest, love for music. he makes me laugh, moves me. Then there is the physical, he is beautiful. The times that I wake up a dawn I love watching the light play on the planes of his body. We as humans are beautiful. It's easy to forget that. I'm glad that I have been reminded. Lately I've been reflecting on life. Where I've been, where I am, and where I think I want to be going. it's a long road to look inward, I'm glad that I have friends like him to lean on when I do.

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