Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Every year people make new years resolutions: lose weight, exercise, be a better person etc. Most of the time these new life choices only last a month and then we are right back to where we started. The Buddhists call this Samsara which can be translated into "wheel of suffering". We churn through societies idea of what we should be, what we should want instead of who we really are. So many of my community are pirate,outlaw,ninja,cowboys, ecclectic folk that live outside the lines. When I pull myself out of this life and head home for Christmas with my International Business brother and his lawyer girlfriend I am transported into a world that I know little of and fit into even less.
Everyone wants to be happy and have the American Dream but what is that really? White picket fences and 2.5 kids, 401k, suv's? The reolutions that people make aren't really designed to make them happier or better people, it fuels their desire to fit in and be what others want them to be.
So in this new year I begin to wonder what I want for myself. I want to steer clear of any solid ideas and let life choose to interpret them as it see's fit.
I want to be happy
I want to be healthly
I want to laugh
I want to love
There, that's it
it's your turn universe

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