Tuesday, July 31, 2007

the change . . .

I was sitting at the laughing goat with a friend today having coffee and she mentioned something that I've been thinking about as well, it's amazing how quickly the things that matter to us slip away to be replaced by more unimportant things. We make choice in our lives, move to new places, try and get out lives together. But within all this internal shifting we forget about the external world. Blaire was telling me how sad she was yesterday when she was thinking of her life purpose and how she wasn't doing anything to change the world. Granted change always start from within but there is always something we can do to make the world around us a better place. It got me thinking about my life, my journey. I gave up everything that was home to me in San Francisco for what?? I hadn't thought about it in a while. It was time for me to go, at least for now. it was as if the universe was pushing me out telling me I had things to do with my life that staying in the city was not for me right now. So now I'm here in Boulder, Colorado for what?? What's next? I'm surrounded by breathtaking beauty but I have not thought once about putting some energy towards preserving what I have come to hold dear. I'm not talking about strapping myself to a tree I'm talking about social change with compassion. Ghandi wanted us to be the change we saw in the world so I should be the change. Get involved, use my knowledge to help others. I want those mountains to be there and be perfect especially when showboarding season comes :)
I just get so caught up in what I am doing withing that I don't ever look outside, I need to start. I have the most amazing opportunity to change my life, to make it what I want to be instead of struggling .
What will my choices be now??
It's funny how the world works, on a personal level I've come across a situation that I've been in before but now I have the power to change it and make it work for me instead of against me. It's challenging though to change the course of water when it likes to flow just so. There's an easier path to the ocean. it's funny though the feeling of wanting to hold on when you need to let go, it almost over takes you sometimes. life is just easier though when I release the grip.

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